Tristan Gomez Software developer

Tristan Gomez
  • Who are you and what do you do?

    I’m Tristan Gomez, also known as @parasquid in Github, Facebook, and mostly everywhere else on the Internet. When I’m not tap dancing my fingers on keyboards, I strut my stuff on the dance floor. Sometimes, I don my magical slippers and dabble in the fine art of Ruby programming. There’s also some rumors floating around that I’m a Jedi Master in disguise.

  • What makes you get up in the morning?

    Oftentimes there would be this really difficult problem that I spend most of my day trying to solve, and then I’d decide to sleep on it. And most of the time, the answer would come to me just as soon as the alarm clock starts ringing. I’d be so excited to try out this new approach that my subsconscious had somehow solved while I was asleep.

    There’s also the stuff that I want to learn, or I want to practice and get good at. The field of software is both a blessing and a curse; there’s no end to the intellectual stimulation you can get by trying to build systems and processes in your mind, but technology is always changing at a rapid pace that if you even stop learning just a little bit, you’d be left so far behind it’s really difficult to catch up.

  • What keeps you up at night?

    I would often wonder what would happen if everyone can read everyone else’s mind, in a sort of “mind meld.” On one hand, it would solve nearly all kinds of misunderstandings and might even herald a whole new era of peace and empathy. On the other hand, I wonder what would happen to individuality and self-determination?

  • The one thing you regret the most.

    I wish I could have started my software development career 10 years earlier. I feel I could have accomplished so much more if I had the courage then to pursue what I was passionate about, rather than doing what I felt was the “safe” career.

  • What is the one thing you’ve learned and want to pass on to the next generation?

    Every moment is important and should be cherished, because–be it a sad moment, or a happy moment–this too, shall pass.

  • What is the one thing that we should have asked, but we didn’t, and what’s the answer?

    Where can we find out more about you? I write (sometimes) at my software blog and my hardware blog

Posted on Thursday, 04 January 2018